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SkinCare-You & Aging

Posted by DMinerals on 8/31/2016 to Ingredients

Skincare Begins From Day One !
Throughout our years we need to take care of our skin....In the beginning our parents bathe us.
..Then we get old enough to bathe ourselves...As we hit our teen years we battle skin issues
-Those dreaded breakouts !
Then as we age we start to hit those days that we start to notice our skin shows we are getting older. 
....So we try to find ways to fix what bothers us !

Baby & Ingredients To Stay Away From

Posted by DMinerals on 8/15/2016 to Toxins

When choosing baby products...choose wisely.
We don't want to put things on baby or us that can be harmful.
And as a parent and caretaker it is up to us to do the healthy thing.
It is almost impossible to get totally away from all the toxins.
We just really need to do the best we can...So just learn all you can
about ingredients to be able to make the best possible choices.
Here are some ingredients to try and stay away from and some that are great !
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