Elderberry extract ( Sambucus nigra)
A natural remedy used by many with great success.
Elderberries have been used as a folk remedy for many, many years medicinally !
Elderberries contains many wonderful things that we can benefit from !
Vitamins A, B and C, amino acids, carotenoids, kaempferol, phenolic acids, triterpenes Alpha- & Beta-, flavonoids (including quercetin & anthocyanins), organic pigments, rutin, sugar, tannin, viburnic acid
Elderberries are for many things including treating influenza, inflammation, allergies, cancer, sinus issues,infections, sciatica, headaches, dental pain, chronic fatigue,heart pain and nerve pain, as well as a laxative and diuretic
People that took elderberry juice when they had the flu got better quicker and had less serious symptoms !
The bioflavonoids in the extract along with other proteins are said to destroy the ability of the cold & flu viruses to infect the cells. It is known as one of the top anti-viral herbs on earth !
Seems to work best for many things like flu and cold when used within 48 hours of onset of the symptoms...
We are all about the "Whole You" not just skin and body care products ...a love for life makes me want to share all things we can benefit from with all of you !
Peace & Love Debbie at DMinerals