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"Belle Vie" "Beautiful Life" Making A Difference "Be The Jumper Cable"

Posted by on 1/16/2018 to The Whole You

Never forget how to look at life through the eyes of a child !

Life is emotions & feelings !
And many times through our journey in life we lose them somewhere !
Sometimes we just become lost...numb...sometimes even feeling hopeless !

We lose track of just how beautiful life really is because of our troubles usually....
"Belle Vie" "Beautiful Life"  Life is beautiful...sometimes things happen nd get in 
our way of seeing and feeling that....

And sometimes...we need to be reminded...and sometimes...we need to quickly get back
to wonderful emotions and feelings that seemed to have soured or are hiding in us...

And needs you to be that special person that helps someone find their way back
to feeling and seeing those things...
No matter what your circumstances...You will also benefit from
helping to make others feel and see "Belle Vie" "Beautiful Life" again... Life is precious...every moment of it.

We all go through phases in our lives....And we all make mistakes and experience things ( many of which we wish we did not) as we go along.
....And it is those mistakes & experiences that we learn from...and that help make us who we are, that help make us a better person in life...that gives us the knowledge and experience to BE THERE for others ! And it can be a tough school...but a million dollar education !

So instead of jumping on every ones mistakes ( which only makes you look bad ) ...Look at their growth from them and the knowledge they gained...And how they can add to our lives... "Belle Vie"

So let's get back to life  and the emotions and feelings ..... Many times they become numbed...the good ones go into hiding and the mean and nasty ones want to kick those things to the curb and get those good ones back that make your eyes and heart sparkle ! ( OKAY and for you who have negative thoughts right now...LEAVE them at the door while reading this)

Life is toooooooooo... short to waste ! C'Mon ! 
I don't care what your situation is can always be there for someone and it can even lift you up when trying to make a difference in other's lives ! And remember your own troubles can help you be more knowledgeable and helpful for others that need you !

So here's what you need to be ! "Be The Jumper Cables" that put that spark back in someone's heart and eyes ! Make their emotions surface again ! We all have our down moments and sometimes need to reminded of our "Belle Vie" "Beautiful Life"

Some people never even realize just what a "Belle Vie" "Beautiful Life" they have in the first place !
Life is not perfect...But it is beautiful...and it will be what we make it....What will you make yours ? 
And yes there will always be some kind of bump in the can work with it...if YOU choose....

...Life is constantly changing every give it a chance and work with it not against it and make yours the best possible...Don't let the bad times ruin the rest of your life ! Let those bad times make it better !
Life can be so surprising and turn out better than you ever expected..when you least expect it !

Life is about making a difference and I love making a difference in other's lives no matter how small !

Sometimes we just become drained and worn out...and many times feel like giving up...And it is at those very times we need those jumper cables that will kick start that spark back into our "Belle Vie" "Beautiful Life" !
And sometimes we need to be our own jumper cables
And if that is the case...then it will take some work...You will need to take a good look at all the good things that have been in and are in you life...even if it isn't many..AND BE THANKFUL...BE THANKFUL EVERY DAY ! 
..Remember what it is like to see life through the eyes of a child ! 

...Learn to feel emotions that are good again ! 

...And of all things do not let that pity card get a hold on you
...That pity card will lock you down and keep every part of you in a bad place so you better Kick it to the curb immediately ! And start being the one that makes a difference no matter what your situation in life is & you will start to feel and see a change in your own life !

YOU are the leader in your take your mind to the place that will get you there ! ...Get that positive jumper cable flowing through your body and mind and do the same for others that need you !

SOoooo...Get out those Jumper Cables and get busy making a difference !
Be that Jumper Cable to kick start someone's life, someone's emotions, someone's smile, someone's feelings !
Making a difference in someone else's life makes a difference in your life  !

"Belle Vie" "Beautiful Life"